Green Coarse

A knight falls into the dawn. I am more aware of of humanity in the pass of Don George.

the other world receives you and my father is deeply wounded without you.

No person I’ve known in my life to adhere to iron, like Johnny Cash and be wild in my youth and stories told about you.

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A feared dream, where all a being I was a raccoon on her installation.

I knew nothing of panda and red sign. I went away because I knew religion is not the way it was in my youth. I found my cross.

Shaped into transformation

I was told I was a black dog and I will be forever that wrath

I force no one idea on anyone. The horrific and heroic, exists in my my eyes.

a time that was before my time, where the feathers of white bird are the arms around me even if gone.

an earth with me, knows me not foreign and reject what is not this place.

a time comes where one must take on a mask

this place knows its own knowing

if you dare to to look at the eyes or tell my kin we are slaves

I will be the black dog you would not want to know. This trade is not for sale.

I am devoted to idea and love with wounds of keep.

Some where in you life find an Atticus, my heroes are my heroes and bonds do not break, I am a zero and one. no escape.

into the clouds and trees

A moment took me where my dog had to do what we all do. Pent up in the car for five hours on long drive. My love asked me if the land I was on was mine. I said no, this is my family property. Some part of of it bothered me. He ran back and got in the car.

We didn’t speak for the next hour and I let it out. Why do you ask about property?!

in my mind because my tribe derives funds in a system, I thought she might be aiming at something of value of who we are.

I hit my hand hard against the wheel. Full of emotion as if I was betrayed.

She said to me, I just wanted to know he was safe, he’s 16 and he’s a dog, coyotes could have been out there and this is a time of season of that desperation. I felt so ashamed for a thought of jealousy that had monetary value of the value of my ideal design of a woman who can know me for what I am worth without drive. I looked back to my dog that is a place holder for us of life, him shaking. I pulled at the first stop so she could hold him like a baby.

I let the darker side of my mind get ahead of me. It became a small lesson where I thought I could not be better for the lesser.

I’d driven so long, her hand at wheel, she nudged me to tell me, this is where your grandma grew up.

I looked back to the seat in the rental car and see the babe, folded in her sweater.

the stem of this argument started about lead singer of Keane sounding like Freddie Mercury and I stand by it.

a story of birds challenging each other where all came down to blue jay and eagle.

in my mind I always wanted to make it into a print beyond a story. Height of planes where I look at clouds I imagine them somewhere top of mountains. I am taken by an idea I stand by, even if I shiver at a gas station by Oso. Her playlist comes on and

the concept of the bird and whale is part, in my idea a bond. When I was a boy thunderbird was said to be a powerful being that had lightning snakes at the edges of its wings. I have not seen demonstration of that. The challenge that posed me reading mythology where the Thunderbird to you people was the size of a hawk.

where the shiver trades place, ask why I am out at 4am leaning on a rented house.

I saw the coyotes work with the raccoons, somewhere the a thing my great uncle told me. Nature works in the night and she is mother of thoughts. my great void to see three that came to see me and because I was travel, I didn’t have anything to throw to them.

I n desperation I ran to my pocket of jacket on the bed, I motioned as a wait. I handed down a bar and they shared it. one of the three came up on the perch and pushed the hand down, not to say, I want more but as if to say see my appreciation, I place my hand and she crawled over my head and pushed her nose at my cheek.

if I were to write it with romantic notions she would have called me, but in all honesty, there is part of me knowing my place and bonds that cannot break.

I am back at a place I start.

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forever whole

no part of me taken from time, all times I’ve carved many things for those who need it to be place. At time any hour I needed to have a place, the place I carved is a closed door now.

this post goes unconventional in midweek, time falls and calls us at time we need it to be. The wound found me in place of my being. A dream of a man who did not whale but his spirit is place of whaler that will not die, it sheltered me not from rain but sun. My life is all but dark hours, lines drawn on anything we can draw upon. We are many things and we are not dead.

We live within a different light. Knights of hour watch.

no death can finds dying of design of mind that wrestle itself. I pulled my shoulder out, and in memory, ending the cedar chips under my feet, I rest for moment. Lean on the work. I lay on them and make a snow angel for a moment to know the only person who would appreciate it know, smiles down where work continues eternal.

I don’t fish or hunt, I make work for ancestry of time. not whaler but there are parts of me that go deep into depth where I loose myself.

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Pushing Forward Back

When asked what it is to make monumental work, I didn’t ever see myself making this in scale perhaps the way painters make huge work as Chuck Close. I recall several interviews where in his early works how it was shut down his aim to do what he was doing. My aim was never to make monumental works. It may have come from necessity for survival of the art itself. This is a challenging time in my life where mentors like Close and Loren White are no longer with us.

When people pass, emotions run high temperament. Sensitivity within myself I can at my best of endurance I can not contain. Those of us who do this work, duty within my hands, there are days I can not find it in myself to do anything but sharpen my knives and adzes. Two days mixing a green that I know I know how to do can challenge me and I would turn the pallet upside down after 5hrs that went nowhere.

Wondering what is next for me to do as these pillars thin, if not for my love of my land and words of my father, go to your name. Walking among the towering giants of buildings as a ‘staycation’ imagine myself a visitor in Summer night to be part of something and hear and experience what I would normally not be part of.

How I had forgotten what it is to part of unpredicable things and appreciate nuances of living. The work in my mind will always be where it is. At this moment in life knowing I need to appreciate the time of what is granted to me with random conversations of places I had explored enough to feel welcome to. I have friends that would joke about this kind of thing, but it is rare to let rest a mind so focused on something infinite, it’s fury becomes a finite.

Walking with a knowing of what is gone, my love beside me, hands in my pockets watching people who visit this place taking pictures of a sunset from 5th avenue, married or single. A need to see this day a reset within me.

Dying in such heat like a dried raisin, knowing a heat rising. October will be soon and in it my time to work hard. I look to that day as some dread as dreary, but in those times are where I am most productive. I drafted a long post about thanking George David based on his birthday that I didn’t judge correctly and I was corrected by his niece that I am in deep appreciation of.

I felt I should have made some grand gesture but all it had to be is be the city and take time and see the world with my love and my time in it. Look at the poles Duane Pasco made in pioneer square and see them in a different way from the time I was a young man. Place a feather from my pocket at the base of the Dzoonakwa and appreciate the time it to for it to be still standing.

Smile and not be angry, in this transformation. No ride can take place of what it is to be the journey I have been taken by ride. As she calls me away, I look back at what I’d saved and watch the breeze take it off in distance.

She tells me, let it be.

(Mister Blue Sky)

Reminded that work will be in my hands and as George David always pointed out time to stop and rest, be the time without tension. We spend all our days pushing and pulling with work a hard iron keep and we are not machines.

I was forest within the trees for a time. Deeply caught in a void until friends picked away parts of web to get me out of my own hurt. In balance of scale, admiration can be admiration for it’s own sake.

Holding hands in love where I can understand, the fingers of my own hands with grasp of my tools will always be my bind. I am those roots of known as she tells me, know you are not broken but root.

Monuments can be made but without substance they are nothing.

I have nothing left shaped by uncle George but a small piece of ivory. An idea I had in my mind that one day I would buy back a painting made by Art Thompson in some sense of resolve.

That uncharted piece of ivory that means nothing to anyone will become something as meaningful when the time is called for me to do so. Carving at such large scale as toll it takes my body, I long for moments to sketch and know over days passing, enduring to make purpose of small object that only belongs to me.

it’s by grace, this word has page to know it belongs.

The stars where you are interstellar, I have my hand in my pocket with harbilary batteries no nft

the ivory in my keep is substance.

As Loren said, not wood or glass, wood withers, glass breaks but ivory is keep.

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