swells vs well

I want to say I’m ok and some days I am. Others I want to know who hurt my nephew and brother to days I shut in. We’ve been good at this, #hapa Nisei and all and it’s fine.

Like the time beyond you, Thunder crashes down.

blame, hurt, blame hurt.

new cars and houses. I’m happy for you.

In time I work up as a true belief, as poets promised to me this hero in my mind as those before me.

An artist with my shared sentiment with love.

in the hurt of my heat I want to heal you. Every wing pulled off is grown back.


things I can say, not folllowing genius, no numbers my heart sieges war for art when he says

they keep pulling off you wings.

I call on two songs only I know that keep me alive. Everything you need to hear will find you.

toys are us.

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